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July 27, 2024

Here's An Oldie For You...

Armani and I used to play the "you blink, you lose" game when she was a kid 😊 That's how I came up with this cartoon years back. Yes, I'm still not posting new material, but I hope you enjoy the site regardless. Thanks for stopping by! -Tom

March 09, 2024


Several years ago, I was posting cartoons on a large syndicate's site (Go Comics/Uclick). The syndicate allowed artists to showcase their work and some of the people posting on the site went on to become successful cartoonists. At the end of each month, the syndicate would select a few cartoons they enjoyed and would display them in their website's "Editor's Pick" section. One month, the above cartoon received the honor. Definitely put a smile on my face 😊 

October 14, 2023

Halloween Is Coming!

They always do a nice job decorating around the buildings where I work. Their Halloween theme is no exception 👻 

August 12, 2023

A Message To My Readers...

I hope everyone's summer is going well 😁 As for me, I saw Foreigner last week in Massachusetts with my good friend Dave. Pretty cool when they played Jukebox Hero as seen in the above video Dave took. Awesome show 👍 -Tommy G.   

January 01, 2023

Happy New Year!

It's been a while since Armani and I rang in the New Year together. The drinks in our hands (Alabama Slammers) are the same as what we had in Vegas on her 21st birthday trip (see below).  Sorry the pic is grainy, but we were about to watch movies and it was dark in the room. Anyway, we had a fun time and I hope you did too! Happy New Year 🥂

July 22, 2022

Viva Las Vegas!

As mentioned in my previous post, Armani and I planned a trip to Vegas for her 21st birthday. We just got back and had a blast! We stayed at Paris Las Vegas, went to the show "O" and eat at Gordan Ramsay Steak (delicious!). We also did some gambling and had a few drinks. Great times 💓 

July 04, 2022

Happy 4th of July!

To everyone in the US, Happy 4th! The above is a pic of Armani going to a party to enjoy the holiday. Speaking of Armani, we are flying to Vegas soon for her 21st B-day! So psyched 😃

July 19, 2021

I Visited Armani!!

I flew down to North Carolina last week where Armani is going to college. On the 14th, she turned 20!! The above pic was taken at the restaurant we went to on her birthday. I stayed in NC for three nights which gave us lots of time together. As old as she gets, some things never change. She kept dragging me into stores to shop!! Lol!  It was awesome seeing her 💓

May 20, 2020

Here It Is!

I just got the above tattoo on my chest (if you look close, you can see it's still swollen...ouch!). For an explanation of its significance, read my last post. -Tom

May 15, 2020

A Message To My Readers...(Updated 6/17/20...See Below)

Although I am taking a break from cartooning, I still add content to my site. I even post commentary when I have something to now. Next week, I am getting a tattoo on my chest (by my heart). What's cool is my daughter, Armani, is getting the same tattoo on her arm! Armani came into my life when she was two and years later, I adopted her. We have always had a special bond. On the adoption day, I gave her an infinity ring. With this in mind, we are getting infinity tattoos, with the adoption date in them, as an expression of the bond we share. Armani doesn't live in my area, so we are going to FaceTime while the tattoo is being designed. Once we agree upon the artwork, I'm getting it inked! Next time Armani comes to visit, she is going to get it inked as well. We're stoked! 6/17/20 Update! Armani visited and got her tattoo today 😊

May 12, 2020

Always Remember!

Attitude is everything! No matter what life throws at you, try to maintain a healthy mindset. Just a quick message before I leave for work. Have an awesome (and positive) day! -Tom

May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day!

Hope you have the best Mother's Day ever, mom! You've done so much for me! I am fortunate to be your son 💓 -Tom

April 12, 2020

A Message To My Readers....Happy Easter!

I hope everyone who celebrates Easter has an enjoyable day. It's a little different this year for me (and I am sure for you too) with the virus hanging over our heads, but I'm making the best of it.  I stopped by my mom's house, gave her some flowers, talked to her and my brother outside, was given some Easter food to take home (yum!), and left after a relatively short stay. On my way back to my house, I visited my dad's grave to reflect for a bit. This is the first Easter after his passing, so it feels strange not only because of the virus, but because he isn't around. Finally, Armani and I exchanged texts and we will FaceTime later like we always do. All and all a good day and I hope yours is going well too. -Tom

March 20, 2020

Ugh! Barney!

Barney was the most annoying children's cartoon ever. He drove parents nuts. Kids had to repeatedly watch him and his voice! Ugh!! It appears he had some vices too 😲

February 18, 2020

I'm Going To Costa Rica! (Updated 3/12/20...See Below)

I mentioned in an earlier post that the owner of the firm where I work bought a condo in Costa Rica and said I can vacation there. Well, the time has come! In March, I'm going there for some fun in the sun 🌞 Maybe the trip will inspire me to write more cartoons. I can't wait! 3/12/20 Update. Trip Cancelled 😞 Will go once Covid subsides 😷

February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day!

Either Dusty is in denial or he's one dumb speck! I hope your Valentine's Day is going smoother than his.  Although, maybe he is better off. If Bunny isn't going to reciprocate, Dusty needs to face reality and move on. I know, that's easier said than done. Love sometimes finds a way. -Tom

January 23, 2020

Another Old Cartoon...

I've been reading about Aerosmith's drummer and a lawsuit he filed against his band members. The band doesn't want him performing with them at the Grammy's because they feel he has limitations due to an injury he sustained. I thought of re-posting the above cartoon while reading about this ongoing saga. Dream On...great tune. Here's a link to the song with lyrics:

January 13, 2020

January 01, 2020

Happy 2020!

A new decade has begun! Let's make it the best ever  👌 My cartooning remains on hold, but I will continue to update this site when the mood hits. As always, don't hesitate to reach out to me with your thoughts! -Tom

December 26, 2019

Armani's First Tattoo!

One of the Christmas gifts I gave Armani was her first tattoo. I am sharing this with you because she got a tribute to Dakota; her dog who passed and who is mentioned on this site. The tattoo came out awesome and I'm happy I was there when she got it done 😊 Merry Christmas, Armani 🎄💓-Papa 

December 22, 2019

To My Readers....

May your holidays be filled with family, friends, good food, and lots of laughter! Enjoy 🎅🤶🎄 -Tom

December 02, 2019

Ready For The Holidays?!

I took this pic today of the lobby where I work. The holiday season is officially upon us! I hope you are looking forward to this year's festivities as I am. Enjoy 👍-Tom

October 20, 2019


Last night, I fell asleep watching the Yankees lose the ALCS (ugh!). I woke up around 3:00am and set my alarm for 6:00am (the time I get up for work). My alarm went off and I did my usual workday routine. As I began driving to my office, I noticed there weren't many cars on the road.  I also didn't see any kids at the bus stops waiting to get picked-up. I thought to myself, "is today a holiday?" I then checked my cellphone's calendar. It's Sunday! Doh! Reminded me of this cartoon 😃

September 09, 2019

I'm Back To Say "Hi"...

That's me in the car I rented in North Carolina when I visited Armani in July. Cool car and super FAST! There were drawbacks cruising with the top down though. For one, Armani and her boyfriend's bushy hair blew all over the place as we drove (it was I, however, buzz my hair short, so I didn't have that problem. Instead, I got sunburn....ouch! 

June 20, 2019


You did good, Bitsy. Sometimes it's best to just walk away.....

June 17, 2019

In Color!

This is the final version of the black & white cartoon posted on June 7th 👍

June 12, 2019

The Seagulls Are Gone....Except One!

I enjoy going to the local beach for breakfast and feeding the seagulls that frequent the area. In the winter, a flock would fly off the water to get their meal when they noticed my car coming. Now that summer is here and food is plentiful, the flock is gone except for one bird, with distinctive markings, I call "Peg."  The reason I named the bird Peg is because when she was with the flock, she had a fishing line wrapped around a foot, causing her to limp (like she had a peg leg). I tried coaxing Peg with food to get close so I could free her from her binds, but it didn't work.  Over the months, I would see Peg and on one day, I noticed the fishing line was gone! This made me happy, but her foot was damaged. Fast forward to the present. Out of all the birds I was feeding, it's cool the one that still waits for me is the one I tried to rescue.  I'm happy to report Peg's foot has totally healed, which is totally great 😊

June 07, 2019


Here's a black & white before it is colored. Dusty is wrong on this one. People have no self-control! 

June 04, 2019


I know some people who can't pass up a sale either! I guess whatever makes you happy. -Tom

May 30, 2019

I'm Going To Visit Armani! (Updated 7/15/19...See Below)

I booked a flight in July to visit Armani in North Carolina 😊 Armani's eighteenth birthday is on July 14th and I want to celebrate it with her. I reserved a Ford Mustang that will be waiting for me at the airport. I once owned a Mustang and Armani loved it, so she is psyched. The owner of the firm where I work, is in Costa Rica closing on a vacation home, so he is unaware I will be taking a few days off. He won't mind though. I've known him a long time. He lets me come and go as I please. Can't wait to see her 💓

May 26, 2019

RIP, Dad.....

At age 87, my dad peacefully passed away yesterday. Born Salvatore Giuseppe Giordanella, he leaves behind a family who thought the world of him. He was a wonderful father and person in every way. He was giving, loyal, understanding, compassionate, a great provider, and so much more. My family and I were fortunate to have such a special person in our lives and the opportunity to spend time with him over the last week when many beautiful emotions were expressed. He will be missed by all. Love you, dad 💓-Tom

May 23, 2019

Be Safe!

The Dust Speck's cast is right; don't drink and drive!  

May 17, 2019

About Dakota...

This is a young Dakota at a local dog park. He was my daughter's birthday present when she turned five. What an awesome dog. Great Pyrenees were bred to guard livestock from predators so, they like to help others 😊 As Dakota got older, his hips gave him problems and he was put to rest. That was such a sad day. Even though it was painful in the end, the years with Dakota made it all worthwhile 💓

May 14, 2019

In Color!

Talking bad about Rock when he's in back of you? Not good.